Thursday, January 28, 2010

See? I have NOT been slacking!

So I haven't been posting regularly for a while. But check it out! I AM getting stuff accomplished! This is a blog design I did for my newly-pregnant sister. Haha, get it? Bun in the oven...?

crickets chirping...

OK well it's cute anyway.

And here's one that I'm ever so excited about. Pro Digital Photos asked me to re-do their blog and it was such a fun job. I loved working with them!

In addition to the blogs, I've been doing some business cards, like this one for my singer/songwriter brother-in-law.

And searching for this image made me remember that in the middle of all this busy design work, I somehow managed to SAVE OVER MY CUSTOMER WORK FILE and completely lost a bunch of designs. Including this one. Excuse me while I go punch myself in the face.

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