Friday, January 16, 2009

Better late than never

I don't know how I forgot to post this, because I was really excited about it. I got to do the blog design for the lovely and snarkily-talented Miss Nemesis over on Voice of Reason. My most recent design is usually my favorite and this one is no different. I'm simply in love with Miss Virtual N. and her sexy eyebrow.

If you've never read her blog, you are really missing out. Just you head on over there. Here's the link again. You might want to get a little snack or perhaps several days worth of provisions because once I start laughing her posts, I usually can't stop reading 'just one more'.

Or if you want to save yourself the trouble of blog-surfing to find the Best of the Best blog posts from last year, you can check this sweet new blog book (all proceeds go to the NieNie Recovery Fund). Miss Nem herself is featured in it!


Sudar Clan said...

Wow, that is a really cute blog design, you never cease to amaze me!

Nemesis said...

Jeri, you are a marvel and I cannot thank you enough.

Everyone, she was so fast and had so many amazing ideas! Best ever.